I am so glad you are here. Within these online pages, you will find information about books I have written, photos I like, things that are on my heart and mind, and information on how to connect with me to book an event – or even just to say hi! But most of all, I pray what you will find here is a light of hope. For if I have learned anything in this life, it’s that the smallest glimmer of hope can change everything…

recent posts
Read this when you want to quit
I would love to tell you this post is for you. And maybe it is. But in full disclosure, I wrote it for myself several years ago. Because I am prone to forget what I know to be true. It’s what I do. But I want to remember—I need to remember—and so this is for…
It’s ok to be scared
“It’s ok to cry. This is really scary. So let’s sit here for just a minute and be scared together, ok?”
Paws in His Presence
This devotional wasn’t just me putting words on a page, it was me putting my heart and my deepest prayers in a book in the hopes others might encounter the same powerful presence and peace that steadied me through a very difficult season.