“Mama, you said that love is stronger than hate, right?” my thoughtful little girl asked from the back seat.
“It sure is,” I replied, unsure of how a debate about the deliciousness (or lack thereof) of Peeps had taken such a philosophical turn.
“Well then why is hate so much louder than love?”
“Louder?” I asked enthralled by her description.
“Yeah, it seems like hate is a million people shouting, but love is just one person whispering. Like when you whisper to me in the morning that you love me and that it’s time to get up.” Her head tilted to the side, “Can a whisper be louder than a shout?”
There are moments when I feel like I learn so much more from my children than they learn from me.
Can a whisper of love be louder than a shout of hate?
At first glance I would have said no. After all, the pain of a hateful word can last a lifetime. The scars of hate-filled criticisms can remain evident for years. But as I lingered over the question, I considered the life giving power of a whispered word of love:
A hate-filled crowd once shouted, crucify him. Their hate crescendoing to the barbaric crucifixion of a perfect man. Yet, as Jesus—Love in human form—allowed Himself to hang on a cross, where he gasped for each painful breath, he whispered some the most glorious and powerful words ever spoken: “It is finished.”
Hate brought death.
Love brings life!
Hate binds.
Love frees.
Hate destroys.
Love makes new.
Hate hurts.
Love heals.
Hate demands.
Love gives.
Hate is darkness.
Love pierces the darkness.
Hate will one day be destroyed.
Love will endure forever.
Hate may be louder to our physical ears, but divine love roars to our eternal souls.
Oh, that we would be a people unafraid and unashamed to whisper words of Love, even among the shouts of hate.
A prayer of love whispered for those chained to hate
A gentle word spoken to one who is not speaking gently
A moment shared…
An email unsent…
A word of affirmation to one struggling…
Whispers of love will often go unnoticed by the masses; but they have the power to change a life for eternity.
Lord, grant us courage to be willing to whisper words of Love to a culture defined by hate. Attune our ears to hear Your whispers of Love and give us strength to share those beautiful whispers with others.
Jennifer, This is beautiful! Would a million whispers of love drown out a shout of hate? I think so.